
The barriers of knowledge generation, storage, distribution and application that impede learning in gas and petroleum companies

Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to find and rank the barriers of the four knowledge management (KM) processes including generation, storage, distribution and application in the gas and petroleum sector. Design/methodology/approach – Revie…


The barriers of knowledge generation, storage, distribution and application that impede learning in gas and petroleum companies

Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to find and rank the barriers of the four knowledge management (KM) processes including generation, storage, distribution and application in the gas and petroleum sector. Design/methodology/approach – Reviewing the literature of KM and organizational learning, this paper extracted all of the barriers which impede KM processes. Then it designed a questionnaire for validating, ranking and categorizing barriers. Totally, 190 completed questionnaires were gathered from 26 gas and petroleum companies in Iran. Some statistical tests such as T, Friedman, Kruskal– Wallis and Mann–Whitney were used for analyzing data. Findings – FindingsreviewedthecurrentliteratureofKMbarriers,validatedandrankedthebarriersof knowledge generation, storage, distribution and application separately. The importance of knowledge generation and knowledge application barriers were significantly different between gas and petroleum companies. Hence they were disjointedly ranked for gas and petroleum. Finally, KM barriers were rankedaccordingtotheircontributiontoKMprocessesandtheaveragemeanoftheirimportanceinKM processes. Practical implications – From the practical point of view, this paper suggests managers of gas and petroleum companies to emphasize solving high-priority barriers according to the KM process which theyarefocusedon.Furthermore,thestudyprovidesachecklistthatcanbeusedasanassessmenttool for evaluating KM processes considering barriers