

The Human Factor in Project Management

One day I woke up to the shock that a wave of change has hit the profession of project management and we are not ready. In fact, most of us don’t see the storm coming and we don’t have a life vest to survive in the rough seas ahead. Over the…


The Human Factor in Project Management

One day I woke up to the shock that a wave of change has hit the profession of project management and we are not ready. In fact, most of us don’t see the storm coming and we don’t have a life vest to survive in the rough seas ahead. Over the past fi ve years, I have heard countless stories of the tumultuous and painful end of a Project Management Offi ce (PMO). While this is our current reality, I continue to fi nd myself at local and national Project Management Institute (PMI® ) meetings that focus on endless debates centered around the methodology, framework, or tool that might best serve our projects. As I listen to the debates, my anxiety and frustration builds as I wonder why are we not focusing all our eff orts on redefi ning our value in a way that does not rely on factors we cannot possibly control, or sometimes predict. While the debates continue among us, precious opportunities to work together to redefi ne the value of project management and assure a sustainable future for the industry are lost.